Project 52: Looking Out

June 20, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

"Beautiful Beasties is a network with forums, blogs and chats for professional pet photographers, where we can get advice, share images and support each other". One such forum is the 52 Project Challenge. Each week, a new theme is chosen by a forum member, then we have a week to go out and shoot our interpretation. The themes allow us to stretch our creativity and shoot something distinctive. There is nothing better to improve our craft than to go out and practice/shoot. Results are then posted to our individual blogs and linked to one another to form a blog ring. We use blog comments or the forum to leave feedback. This is a wonderful way to get peer insight and ideas from one another. Each week, please go to the end of each blog and click on the link to the next one in the circle. You will not be disappointed.

This week's theme is "Looking Out" on our pet's world. I went back to my boy Fionn for this week's work. Instead of using my DSLR, I chose to play with my Nikon Coolpix P7100 "Point and Shoot". It's not really your average consumer model, as it allows me to go to manual mode and take control of White Balance, ISO, shutter speed and aperture. It is the one camera I always have with me, small and portable, but with the flexibility that DSLR's have with respect to controlling aspects of exposure.

Here is Fionn, at herding practice. While on the deck, waiting his turn in one of pens or the fields, he is perpetually "Looking Out" on "his" livestock and keeps track of what the other dogs are doing.

Please follow this link to the next forum member's approach to this week's theme: Cahlean Klenke of About a Dog Photography from St. Cloud Minnesota.


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