Use Focus to Abstract

April 01, 2016  •  1 Comment

This week our topic is "using focus to abstract" a shot. We were to use aesthetic possibilities of out-of-focus elements of a scene to abstract and make the image powerful.  Use slower shutter speeds, intentional camera movement, shallow depth of fields. We were asked to "not do it right" and see what happens. I was at a herding trial this past weekend with my dog Fionn, and used the opportunity.

My first try was to use a shallow depth of field, move the camera, yet use a high shutter speed. I wanted to see if I could freeze a dog in motion with everything else out of focus to draw attention to the dog. Here was the best result. I like the effect, it draws your eye to the dog as it seems to levitate off the ground as it is running. I used my 120-300mm f2.8 lens with a 1.4 teleconverter to be able to get distance on the field course. It was tricky. You can't hand hold this beast,  I used a monopod so I could pan, but keep the lens level.

There was a group of baby goats on site. I was able to get in the pen and have some fun. I used my 24-70mm f2.8 lens. Lowest depth of field I could get (f2.8) and a slower shutter speed. I had to kick up my ISO to get a good exposure, but had fun. One of these little guys insisted on chewing on my pants just above my muck boots... The first two are more in line with the assignment this week, but I could not resist upping the aperture for the last couple of shots. These guys were just too cute!

Hope you enjoyed my farm visit. Remember this is a blog ring, please follow the links to see all the interpretations of use of focus to abstract. The next in line is Trina Bauer Photography, State College, PA.


I can never resist a pile of goats. Love that border collie image!
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